Starting a new line on notepad++ editor
Starting a new line on notepad++ editor

Insert into the "Replace" field the newline char accordingly with.Insert into the "Find" field a char that you never use, for example in.In case you need to do so go to Menu > Edit > EOL Conversion (End Of Line Conversion) and from the sub menu choose the right platform your code is targeted to.Īlso if you want you can assign to your preferred EOL conversion command a keyboard shortcut.Ī further and more complex alternative would be to implement a macro to find and replace a customized placeholder when you are coding. Using for the wrong EOL char for example Alt + 013 that means \r in case you are targeting a different OS platform you might have the need to convert the end of line chars to the correct type used in that platform where your code will run. Alt + 013 and Alt + 010 if you want to insert both \r\n chars (for Win).Alt + 010 that is equivalent to \n (usually for Unix / Lilnux).Alt + 013 that is equivalent to \r, as specified in Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 answer (usually for Mac).So depending on what operative system you are targeting you can use alternatively one of the following: I had the same problem and the solution proposed by Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 is ok for certain text encoding EOL (end of line) usually targeted to a specific OS platform.

Starting a new line on notepad++ editor